
As I write this, I’m 37,500 feet above Iowa. It’s slightly cold in the cabin. I can’t hear a thing besides the jet engines. I (obviously) have Internet access, but it’s not yet ubiquitous enough for everyone to assume that I have it, so no one is bugging me. In many ways, this is the perfect way to write.

I miss writing. The sad truth is that it’s increasingly hard for me to find time for it anymore. Yes, I do a column for TechCrunch, and yes, I post rants here and there on ParisLemon. But it’s usually me rushing to get something up in the fleeting spare time that I have in between meetings. That’s why I enjoy long plane rides. Like this one. All kinds of time alone with my thoughts.

So I’ve been thinking…

Wouldn’t it be great to have a new outlet where I could just focus on writing? About anything. Just writing to write — without pressure or an agenda.

While I’m very much a creature of habit, oddly enough, one of my habits is blowing things up and starting over. I love clean slates. I hate baggage. It’s easy to get complacent and fall into a routine. In my experience, that can be poison for both creativity and thoughtfulness.

With those things in mind, I’ve been watching Svbtle with much interest. I love the simplicity with a focus on ideas and the writing experience itself. This is something I’ve been looking for. And so here I am.

To be clear, I’ll still be doing my Apple column for TechCrunch. And I’ll still be devoted to regular updates of ParisLemon. In fact, I aim to update that site more often with interesting links, quotes, images, etc — in a way that plays more to the strengths of Tumblr. For those who have been wondering why the hell I moved away from the standard reverse-chronological blog design over there, that’s the reason.

As for the title of this blog, it actually comes from this — a rather brilliant parody of myself if I do say so …myself. And I think it’s a good theme for what I’d like to write about: massively great things.

I’ve set up a specific Twitter feed if you’re interested in following posts that way. Or you can find the RSS link in the left side column. Welcome!


Now read this


A few days ago marked one year since I made the jump from TechCrunch to CrunchFund — from writer to investor. It has been a fantastic year and I’m really happy with all of the investments we’ve made (not all of them are listed as some... Continue →